With the holidays over and the resolutions made (and probably already broken) it can finally be time for a deep relaxing sigh of relief. And a good look around. If the after-holiday slump has you feeling less than jovial, maybe pumping some new life into your life is in order. Packing away the lights, baubles and Santa collection for another year can leave one feeling….well…. blase’. Interior designers in Atlanta love this time of year as it allows people to see their rooms with new possibilities. Pump up your home’s look with these quick new little additions that promise to create a new vibrant yet relaxed look.
- Seek out color. Adding a fresh coat of paint to any room instantly transforms it. Not feeling that motivated? Little touches can make a huge difference too. Switching out pillows and other accessories in fresh new colors generally meant for spring can revitalize any decor.
- Let in the light. Switching out window treatments that allow light to flow into dreary spaces let everyone who spends time there to feel refreshed and new.
- Incorporate nature’s beauty. You don’t have to wait for next season to enjoy the colors of spring. Even if you’re not favored with a green thumb, there are a plethora of ways you can add natural elements to your favorite room without actually adding plants. Live flowers are a great choice as is artwork that features natural landscapes.
- Clear it out. Just as a blast of sunshine adds new life to any boring room, a good cleaning opens it up and allows for that needed sigh of relief.
As we move into spring, we would love to assist you in achieving that new personal look that speaks to the new possibilities that exist with each new season and new year. Contact us today to schedule your personal consultation with a VRA interior designer in Atlanta.